Tumella December 2023 Contest...

Welcome to the Tumella Bend Test Challenge! We have a unique campaign that aims to pique your curiosity and offer you an exciting opportunity. Are you ready to put your umbrella to the test?

Here's how the challenge works:

Step 1: Record a Video

We invite you to film a video showcasing the strength and durability of your current umbrella. We will provide you with instructions to follow👇🏽, ensuring that the challenge is fair and consistent for all participants.

Here are some videos of the challenge and how to test your umbrella’s strength via the bend test - 




Incentives for Participants

We believe in rewarding those who take on the challenge. Here's what you can expect:

  • The first 10 participants who successfully break their own umbrella and showcase its weakness in the video will receive a free Tumella umbrella. These umbrellas are known for their unbreakable windproof design and superior quality.
  • The next 10 participants will be offered a 70% discount on purchasing a Tumella umbrella. This is a fantastic opportunity to upgrade to a stylish and durable umbrella at an unbeatable price.
  • The following 10 participants will be offered a 50% discount on purchasing a Tumella umbrella. Don't miss out on this chance to own a high-quality umbrella that combines functionality with style.

Submission Process

Once you have filmed your video, it's time to submit it. Here's how:

  • Post the video on your TikTok account tagging the Tumella Official account (@tumella.official) and use these Hashtags - #TumellaChallenge #BreakYourUmbrella #BendTestHype #StrongestUmbrella #Tumella
  • Email the video to marketing@tumella.com
  • Our team will review your submission and get back to you with further instructions on how to get your free or discounted Tumella umbrella! 
  • When you receive your Tumella, make sure to record and post another video attempting the bend test with your Tumella. And see for yourself how much stronger the Tumella is than your old umbrella! 

We can't wait to see your videos and witness the strength of your umbrellas. Join the Tumella Bend Test Challenge today and discover the unbeatable quality of our umbrellas!